Am pretty sure youre not shocked by the headline, because its pretty clear very few people around you are interested in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. You have patiently and continuously tried to convert them into the crypto loyals by trying to educate them on this revolutionary technology and its potential.
Most people close to me that I have "educated" on this matter either think its a ponzi scheme, a Multilevel Marketing campaign where I make money whenever they buy in, or they cash in realize a little profit and bye bye crypto never to look its way again. And in all honesty we need to be dissapointed if not saddened by this, just like the internet this might be the greatest technological invention that leads to creating the new ultra wealthy.
Some people might term my last statement too much or exaggerated but let me prove myself right. January 2017 the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum stood at $800(Kes80,000) and $7(Kes700) respectively, by the end of the year Bitcoin had seen a price increase of 1500% to hit $12000(Kes1,200,000) and Ethereum realised a 10,000% increase to hit $700(Kes70,000).Lets assume you invested only $1000(Kes100,000) on Ethereum you would be worth a whooping $100,000(Kes10,000,000) by the end of the year.If thats not overnight wealth I dont know what is. Now I know you're either swallowing your saliva as you try to calculate how much you would have made if you put two, three or four times the number I used, you're also probably wondering why in the world dint you know about it and if you did why you never invested, for those that did, get in touch with me I'll give you my address for donations hahaha. But....
Thats just the beginning, John McAfee the inventor of McAfee antivirus has publicly stated and predicted Bitcoins price to hit $1 Million(Kes100,000,000) by 2020,while Jeremy Liew the first investor in snapchat and Peter Smith C.E.O and cofounder of Blockchain have both predicted Bitcoin to hit $500,000(Kes50,000,000) by 2030, if you think about it bitcoins price as of now is a bargain. All those zero$ WOW, even if the price falls just alittle short of this two predictions, do you really think if you invested in 2018 you wouldn't be walking on clouds.
Personally my eyes are set on Ethereum and ripple which I think they have the most potential to grow and make insane profits from a small investment. So its really sad to see Kenyans not paying attention to what the rest of the world is,for the few that are, they have a bright future in this space,my only advice is invest money you can afford to loose and dont have weak hands by this I mean dont start selling when the price dips, the crypto space is a DO NOT PANIC !!! zone.